Om Jayanti mangala Kaali, Bhadra Kaali Kaapaalini Durga Shamma Shivaah Dhaatri, Swaaha Swadha Namostute 1 Oh! Conqueror of all, remover of darkness, auspicious one, beyond time, bearer of the Skulls of Impure Thoughts, Reliever of difficulties, loving forgiveness, supporter of the Universe. You are the one who truly receives the sacrificial offerings and the offerings to the ancestors. To you I bow. Jaya twam Devi chamunde , jaya bhutapaharini Jaya sarvagate Devi, kalaratri namo’stute. 2 Victory, oh Goddess, slayer of passion and anger! Victory, reliever of the troubles of all existence! Victory, all-pervasive Goddess! You are the night at the end of time! To you I bow. Madhu Kaitabha vidavansi, vidhatr varade namah Rupam dehi jayam dehi, yaso dehi dvisho jahi 3 You who defeated the negative qualities of excess and sparseness, Giver of the blessings of the creative capacity, to you I bow. Grant us your Form, grant us victory, grant us welfare, destroy all hostility. Mahisasura-nirnasi, bhaktanam sukhade namah Rupam dehi jayam dehi, yaso dehi dvisho jahi 4 You who caused the destruction Mahisa, Giver of happiness to devotees, to you I bow. Grant us your Form, grant us victory, grant us welfare, destroy all hostility. Raktabija-vadhe Devi, Chanda-Munda-vinasini Rupam dehi jayam dehi, yaso dehi dvisho jahi 5 You who slew the demons Raktabija, Chanda and Munda, Oh Goddess, destroyer of passion and anger. Grant us your Form, grant us victory, grant us welfare, destroy all hostility. Sumbhasyaiva nisumbhasya, Dhumraksasya ca mardini Rupam dehi jayam dehi, yaso dehi dvisho jahi 6 Slayer of the demons Sumbha, Nisumbha and Dhumalocana. Grant us your Form, grant us victory, grant us welfare, destroy all hostility. Vanditanghri-yuge Devi, sarva-saubhagya-dayini Rupam dehi jayam dehi, yaso dehi dvisho jahi 7 All revere your lotus feet, Oh Goddess, Giver of all that is beautiful. Grant us your Form, grant us victory, grant us welfare, destroy all hostility. Acintya-rupa-carite, sarva-satru-vinasini Rupam dehi jayam dehi, yaso dehi dvisho jahi 8 You, of un-imaginably beautiful form and energy; Destroyer of all obstacles, remover of all afflictions. Grant us your Form, grant us victory, grant us welfare, destroy all hostility. Natebhyah sarvada bhaktya, Chandike duritapahe, Rupam dehi jayam dehi, yaso dehi dvisho jahi 9 For those who bow to you with devotion, You remove all sins and distress. Grant us your Form, grant us victory, grant us welfare, destroy all hostility. Stuvadbhyo bhakti-purvam tvam, Chandike vyadhi-nasini Rupam dehi jayam dehi, yaso dehi dvisho jahi 10 Oh Goddess who cures all afflictions for those who praise you with devotion. Grant us your Form, grant us victory, grant us welfare, destroy all hostility. Chandike satatam ye tvam, archayantiha bhaktitah Rupam dehi jayam dehi, yaso dehi dvisho jahi 11 Oh Goddess who removes all confusion for those constant in their worship. Grant us your Form, grant us victory, grant us welfare, destroy all hostility. Dehi saubhagyam-arogyam, dehi me paramam sukham Rupam dehi jayam dehi, yaso dehi dvisho jahi 12 Grant us good fortune, freedom from disease, and supreme happiness. Grant us your Form, grant us victory, grant us welfare, destroy all hostility. Vidhehi dvisatam nasam, vidhehi balam-uccakaih Rupam dehi jayam dehi, yaso dehi dvisho jahi 13 Grant the destruction of all that is disruptive, grant us renewed inner strength and supreme happiness. Grant us your Form, grant us victory, grant us welfare, destroy all hostility. Vidhehi Devi kalyanam, vidhehi paramam sriyam Rupam dehi jayam dehi, yaso dehi dvisho jahi 14 Oh Goddess, grant liberation and supreme prosperity. Grant us your Form, grant us victory, grant us welfare, destroy all hostility. Surasura- siro-ratna-, nighrsta-caranembike Rupam dehi jayam dehi, yaso dehi dvisho jahi 15 Oh Mother of the Universe, at whose feet Gods and Demons surrender. Grant us your Form, grant us victory, grant us welfare, destroy all hostility Vidyavantam yasasvantam, laksmivantam janam kuru Rupam dehi jayam dehi, yaso dehi dvisho jahi 16 Please endow this self with intelligence and true wealth. Grant us your Form, grant us victory, grant us welfare, destroy all hostility Prachanda-daitya-darpaghne, Chandike pranataya me Rupam dehi jayam dehi, yaso dehi dvisho jahi 17 You who destroy the intensity of negative thoughts, You who tear apart ignorant thoughts of this self who seeks your shelter. Grant us your Form, grant us victory, grant us welfare, destroy all hostility Caturbhuje caturvaktra-, samsthute Paramesvari Rupam dehi jayam dehi, yaso dehi dvisho jahi 18 Oh, four-armed Goddess, admired by Lord Brahma! Grant us your Form, grant us victory, grant us welfare, destroy all hostility Krsnena samstute Devi, sasvad-bhaktya sadambike Rupam dehi jayam dehi, yaso dehi dvisho jahi 19 Goddess, Mother of the Universe, Krishna praises you with extreme devotion. Grant us your Form, grant us victory, grant us welfare, destroy all hostility. Himacala-suta-natha-, samstute Paramesvari Rupam dehi jayam dehi, yaso dehi dvisho jahi 20 Oh Supreme Goddess, the Lord of the Daughter of the Himalayas (Shiva) always sings your praise. Grant us your Form, grant us victory, grant us welfare, destroy all hostility Indrani-pati-sadbhava-, pujite Paramesvari Rupam dehi jayam dehi, yaso dehi dvisho jahi 21 You who are worshipped by the husband of Indrani (Indra) with devotion. Grant us your Form, grant us victory,grant us welfare, destroy all hostility Devi prachanda-dordanda-, daitya-darpa-vinasini Rupam dehi jayam dehi, yaso dehi dvisho jahi 22 With your great staff you have destroyed the demons of egotism and thought. Grant us your Form, grant us welfare, destroy all hostility. Devi bhakta-janoddama-, dattanandodaye’mbike Rupam dehi jayam dehi, yaso dehi dvisho jahi 23 You who give salvation and perennial joy to your devotees Grant us your Form, grant us victory, grant us welfare, destroy all hostility. Patnim manoramam dehi, manovrtta-nusarinim Tarinim durga-samsara-, Sagarasya kulodhbhavam 24 Oh Goddess, grant me a spouse who will lead the family across the terrible ocean of life and death. Om Namas Chandikayai Om, I bow to the Goddess Chandika |
Posted By : Vinod Jindal on Jul 18, 2011 |