The Pursuit Of Power And Freedom

Book Summary

This is a new translation with an extensive commentary of the Katha Upanishad. It is a dialogue between an accomplished master Yamaraja and an ardent seeker Nachiketa. Their burning desire for unveiling the mysteries of life enabled them to invest all their resources?��physical mental and spiritual?��in the pursuit to live and not to die. Step-by-step testing Nachiketa?�?s preparedness for the highest truth Yamaraja ultimately imparts Brahma vidya the science and knowledge of the highest truth on his student. This science according to the scriptures is absolute and transcendental?��the essence of our soul. In order to receive this gift we learn the steps necessary to prepare ourselves: how to cultivate a clear calm and tranquil mind release the grip of our desires shake off our inertia and nurture a compassionate heart.

Book Details

Book Name The Pursuit Of Power And Freedom
Author Rajmani Tigunait, Katha Upanishad
Publisher The Himalayan Institute Press (Apr 2008)
ISBN 9780893892746
Pages 136
Language English
Price 251

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